Nashville Hosts Republican Governors Association Meeting


Republican Governors from across the country traveled to the Volunteer State this week for a series of multi-day meetings and presentations.

The Nashville event has allowed hundreds of people to attend the conference, as this is the first major event the organization has held since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting of the group empowers members of the Republican Governors Association (RGA) to attend meetings and facilitate discussion on various policies in each state.

“Thrilled to be in Nashville for @The_RGA Spring Meeting to discuss smart policy, economic growth, and the future of our nation with fellow Republican governors,” Arizona Governor and Chair of the RGA Doug Ducey shared in a tweet. Included in the tweet was a picture of Ducey and Tennessee Governor Bill Lee embracing.

“Great to have so many fellow Republican governors in The Volunteer State for @The_RGA Spring Meeting,” Lee added in a subsequent tweet.

Lee serves as policy chairman for the organization.

The governors from across the country have come together on many issues facing the country. For example, Republicans are leading the fight to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public schools in their state. Additionally, Republican-led states are ending the added, federal unemployment benefits that have encouraged many Americans to stay home instead of seeking a job.

According to the organization’s website, the RGA helps elect Republicans to governorships throughout the nation and provides them with the resources to help them govern effectively. Republicans currently occupy the majority of governorships throughout the United States.

The group’s meeting was fueled by the reduction of COVID-19 regulations and transmission throughout the state. Specifically, Nashville recently lifted their coronavirus restrictions and cases have continued to plummet.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Republican Governors” by Doug Ducey. 







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8 Thoughts to “Nashville Hosts Republican Governors Association Meeting”

  1. JG2284

    And they uninvited Mike Lindell… hmm wonder why:

  2. 83ragtop50

    Lee is a loser. But he fits in with a lot of RINOs like Haslam.

    Where is his outrage over the feds sending illegal children to Tennessee after he supposedly told Biden that he was refusing them? Just another weak-kneed rich RINO.

  3. Ms Independent

    Hope they all enjoy a “hearty” meal with laughter, jokes, and drinks while those unemployed thru no fault of their own try to budget on $221 a week (most unemployed don’t qualify for the full $275)..starting end of June if “suitable” work not found. Bunch of heartless Republican rhino governors…
    Full time good paying jobs are not plentiful. Part time jobs with no benefits you can find all day…

    1. Tom

      If you live in Tennessee or anywhere else and you are unemployed it is because you “want” to be. Practically every business is begging for employees and that is nationwide. Perhaps your problem is that the “suitable work” you are looking for are jobs you are not qualified for. No one is going to hire you to be an engineer, a teacher, a doctor, etc., if you barely made it through high school. No one will hire you to be an electrician, a plumber, a bricklayer, work in manufacturing, etc. if you have never been to a trade school. It is going to be uncomfortable when you are fired from your “unemployment” benefits and be required to take a job that you ARE qualified for!

  4. Mark Knofler

    Unfortunately, Lee’s weakness and lack of fortitude is going to make re-election tough if Dem’s put up anyone that can debate. Seeing how chummy he is with Haslam and Douchey explains a lot. #VotetheBumsOut!

  5. Kevin

    Was this picture taken at the Nashville Zoo? All I see are RINO’s!

    Yeah, why exactly is Haslam in this picture? Mike Lindell got invited to attend but got blocked from entering at the last minute yet Flying J/Gas-Tax Haslam gets in. What’s up with that?

  6. LM

    Hopefully , they all took a page out of govs. DeSantis’ and Noem’s books while they were meeting.

  7. Nancy

    Governor Bill Lee is a much improved Conservative Governor than his predecessor RIno Bill Haslam! Not sure why Haslam would be in this picture! He should feel uncomfortable with the real conservatives in the room! RINO Haslam never had to work a day in his life, he enjoyed the benefits from his daddy’s hard work! I am glad Tennessee has moved on from the RINO’s Bob Corker, Lamar alexander and Little Billy Haslam!
